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Meet the Team – Cole

May 6, 2024

Meet Cole – a native of Moorhead, Minnesota, and a graduate of Concordia College, has recently joined the EPIC Companies team as investor relations!

Where is your favorite place you have traveled to? Clearwater Beach, Florida.

What 3 words would your friends use to describe you? Ambitious, optimistic, and reliable.

What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend? Golfing, spending time with friends/family, or going to the lake.

What was your very first job? Hockey coach

Previous Employment: Brady Martz & Associates

What are 3 things still left on your bucket list? Travel to Ireland, buy a lake home, and play a round of golf at Augusta National.

What do you wish the work fridge was always stocked with? Coke Zero

What do you look forward to in the next year at EPIC? To provide investors with an opportunity to be a part of EPIC Companies.

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